
Aimé González, Elsa

Email: elsa.gonzalez.aime@gmail. com

Research Area: Conflicts and peacebuilding · International development aid

Research Interests: conflicts · Ethiopia · history · Horn of Africa · international development aid · international relations theory


Bachelor in History and PhD in International Relations and African Studies, Automous University of Madrid. Her main research areas are the theory and history of international reations, with a special focus on Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa; she has conducted research as well on the Spanish and European development cooperation in Africa.

She is currently professor of the Department of International Relations in the Humanities and Social Science Faculty of the Comillas Pontifical University.

Elsa has realized research stays in the LAM center of Bordeaux (former Centre d’Études d’Afrique Noire), in the Institut des Mondes Africains – IMAF of Paris (former Centre d’Études des Mondes Africains), and in the Centre Français d’Études Éthiopiennes in Addis Abeba. She has participated in the research project “Monitoring Conflicts in the Horn of Africa” directed by Alexandra M. Dias, funded by the Science and Technology Foundation of the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and  Higher Education for the period 2010-2013.

Research interests: conflicts, history, international development aid, international relations theory, state

Country/Region of specialization: Ethiopia, Horn of Africa