About us
Foto cedida por Pablo Gutiérrez Barbadillo, derechos reservados.
The African Studies Group (GEA for Grupo de Estudios Africanos in Spanish) is an interdisciplinary research group registered at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, specialised in African studies focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa. Created in 1995 by a group of researchers and professors, its purpose is to develop a critical knowledge on the realities of the African continent in Spain and in Spanish. Since its inception, GEA researchers have published several books and articles, and we have articulated our work through four working areas.
Researching on Sub-Saharan Africa
Research constitutes one of the main fields of work of the Grupo de Estudios Africanos. Currently, our work is organized across five distinct research clusters:
– political economy of natural resources,
– conflicts and peacebuilding,
– Sub-Saharan migrations,
– international development aid,
– regional integration and rural development.
Teaching Activities
GEA has a wide experience in designing and realizing courses, seminars and conferences at both graduate and postgraduate levels. We can highlight the Official Master in International Relations and African Studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid, unique in its speciality offering a formation on political processes and International Relations theory along with a specialization on Sub-Saharan Africa. We can mention as well our Introduction to the African Reality Course (since 1999) which has formed over 500 students.
In addition, GEA has a strong commitment to dissemination activities (e.g. seminars and debates) related to our research and intended to widely spread the knowledge on Africa. These activities are advertised in this website and through our social networks.
Knowledge transfer
Besides our five research clusters, GEA’s researchers carry out studies, consultancies and provide technical advice to public and private institutions related to their research specialization both public and private institutions.
Our partners include among others the Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development, the Women for Africa Foundation (Spain), the International Labour Office, and the Government of Angola.
To know more about our working areas, please visit our Research, Team and Consultancy sections in this webpage.
Inter-University cooperation
GEA is part of the European network AEGIS (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies) since 2006 and the Spanish network ARDA (Agrupament de Recerca and Docència d’Àfrica); both of them connect the main Africa Research centers in Europe and Spain. We participate in the organization of the Iberian Congresses of African Studies (we organized the 2012 edition) and in the publication of the interuniversity journal Studia Africana.
GEA’s researchers teach in several courses, seminars, Masters of other institutions such as: Autonomous University of Madrid, Complutense University (Madrid), Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid), Salamanca University, Burgos University, Lleida University, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona University, Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona), Comillas University (Madrid), La Gomera University, Miguel Hernández University (Alicante), International University of Andalusia, ect-. We collaborate as well with research centers (Centre d’Estudis Africans de Barcelona, HEGOA- Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional, etc.) and with African studies specialists of different Universities in Spain and abroad.